Friday, December 23, 2011

What better way to celebrate the holidays then through decorating!!

Christmas is a time to spend with family and friends; enjoying the obnoxious Christmas music and over indulging in cookies and fudge. The fun thing about this Christmas is that it is my first Christmas with my husband!  We worked hard on making our apartment our own.  We wanted to make sure that the apartment was decorated the way that we dreamed it, not how our parents decorated our houses growing up. 
Taken at Grandma's House by Jason Plante
The next couple of pictures are from out holiday this year.  We went to my grandmother's house and decorated cookies with her and my sister.  The lower pictures are of our apartment; minor things that we done to share our holiday cheer!

Gingerbread man!

I am not Jewish but the holidays do not only mean Christmas, but Hanukkah as well...

I had bought my decorations from Target after Christmas last year, therefore, I only spent $15 in all for my decor!
Our yearly cookie decorating with Grandma...

The wreath was made by me, using left over ribbon from my wedding and left over bulbs that did not have room on my tree to adorn.

I hope that everyone has a great Holiday season!  Be safe, be happy, be merry!

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